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Ghana Radio Interviews and Billboards Reaction

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  • Received news from Ghana where several radio stations there have given interviews on the topic of May 21, 2011 with more to follow. One station mentioned that the billboards should be taken down because they are, "...causing fear and panic."

Ghana Radio Interviews and Billboards Reaction

The following news was received from Kwabena Agyei in Ghana who is working diligently to get the Gospel out in that country.

Radio stations given interviews regarding May 21, 2011

Several radio stations in Ghana including Jem FM, Kesben FM, and New Mecury Radio have been interviewing Kwabena regarding May 21, 2011 Judgment Day and the many billboards around the country.

Earlier this evening, FOX 97.9 FM in Kumasi was to be giving an interview.

Fear and panic with the public

Peace FM had a reaction to the Judgment Day billboards in Accra. They called for all the billboards to be removed. They were told by Kwabena, “No one can stop the Word of God” and that, “It is a warning from God.”

They said, “It is causing fear and panic for the public.” Kwabena replied that, “The Word of God comforts, warns, saves, and condemns.” In addition, he told them, “To believe the Word of God and cry for mercy–just like the people in Nineveh.”