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eBible Fellowship

2011.12.18 - Questions and Answers PM

  • | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 1:07:39 Size: 15.5 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 04:39 We often refer to May 21st as Judgment Day and the day that God brought the sheep into the sheepfold. How are we to refer to October 21st?
    2. 08:10 I have a question about Isaiah 60:1-5. Can we say that this is the period that we are in now? What can we be expecting in the next few weeks and months in relation to where we are now?
    3. 13:05 Is there salvation today?
    4. 20:02 Could you please give an explanation of Jeremiah 7:34?
    5. 21:47 Why is temptation still such a battle?
    6. 24:32 In Esther 3:4, what is the word “matters” referring to?
    7. 31:47 When Samson killed a lion, there was honey in the lion. He then gave some of this honey to his parents. Could you elaborate on this?
    8. 33:15 In relation to Isaiah 26:20, when will the “indignation be overpast” and what does it mean to “enter thou into thy chambers”?
    9. 39:09 In Acts 1:11, what does the phrase “gazing up into heaven” mean? Are we not to look for a physical coming?
    10. 40:40 Since May 21 and October 21 were spiritual, I have heard teaching that the end of the world will be spiritual and that God is going to return this present earth to its original Garden of Eden state, which does away with any physical destruction. Will there be a literal destruction?
    11. 43:55 Are we to go out and proclaim the Gospel again? If so, for what reason if salvation is over?
    12. 48:40 Does Esther 9:29 relate to Revelation 10:11?
    13. 51:52 Could you please explain Romans 9:11?
    14. 55:32 Could you please compare Esther 9:17 with Exodus 12:6; also, Exodus 12:14 and Esther 9:28?