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The End Will Not Come on Just Any Old Day

  • | Chris McCann
  • How the Bible teaches that the end must come according to God's prescribed plan which aligns with the Old Testament feasts.

As we study the Bible we find that God does not do things randomly or just any old time. But God fulfills His promises according to His program of times and seasons.

For example, for over 11,000 years, the people of God looked for the first coming of Christ, the Messiah. God had promised right from the very beginning in the book of Genesis that He would come one day.

Jesus’ birth occurred in the year 7 BC, which was not just any year, but it was a Jubilee year. A special year in God’s Biblical calendar in which special emphasis was placed on setting, “captives” free. Of course, the Messiah (Christ), came to do that very thing.

And then when Jesus went to the cross, He did not hang on the cross on just another day of the week—He was hanged on the cross at the time of the Passover feast.

The Passover was the feast that God instituted in which the lamb was to be slain. It was always a feast that pictured the slaying of Jesus Himself for the sins of His people. And at the very time the Passover lamb was being slain, there hung on the cross, the Lamb of God that John the baptist had proclaimed would, “take away the sins of the world.”

Christ’s coming into the world was done very precisely at a set time; and Christ’s going to the cross was also done very precisely at a set time that fit in perfectly with God’s program of established feast days.

Also, fifty days after Jesus went to the cross, the Holy Spirit was poured out (Acts 2:1-2). The pouring out of the Holy Spirit signaled the beginning of the Church Age. It was a major event in God’s plan for the world. On what day was the Holy Spirit poured out and the Church Age officially begun? It was on the day of Pentecost—another of God’s feast days.

Of the three major feasts God commanded Israel to observe: He fulfilled two of the three on the very day of the feast itself (Christ the Lamb hanging on the cross at Passover, and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the day of firstfruits or Pentecost). The third feast to be fulfilled, and the last one is the feast of tabernacles (and harvest).

October 7th, 2015 is the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (harvest). This, along with several other pieces of Biblical evidence points to that day as the very likely day God will end the world and thereby bring spiritual fulfillment to the feast day as He has done at other times in history.




