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eBible Fellowship

Free Audio or MP3 CD Request Form

If you would like a free CD of any of the following selections, please fill out the form below and submit your request. Due to the high cost of producing and mailing these CDs, we are only sending one CD to an email address or person. Multiple requests for a CD from the same person or email address will be discarded.

With the many requests we are receiving for CDs, we welcome anyone who would like to support our ministry with a donation.

We ask you only make one request for a free CD each two months or 60 days.

* Required Information

Please select the CD you wish to receive: *

Free Family Radio Audio CD

Although EBible Fellowship has no affiliation with Family Radio, due to the urgency of the times, we have received permission to make this free Family Radio CD offer available on our website.

This CD is NOT an MP3 CD. It requires a player capable of playing audio CDs (a computer can also play audio CDs). Please do not request this CD unless you have a way to listen.

  1. Holy God Will Bring Judgment Day On May 21, 2011
  2. No Man Knows the Day or the Hour?
  3. Another Infallible Truth

Select Language: *

Cover of the CD: Family Radio Judgment Day Tracts

Free EBible Fellowship MP3 CD

This CD is NOT an audio CD. It requires a computer or other player capable of playing MP3 files on a CD. Using a computer, these MP3 files can be transferred from the CDs to a portable MP3 player. Please do not request this CD unless you have a way to listen.

Cover of the CD: The End Is At Hand

* Required information

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