36. Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mighty

Psalm 29:1-5, 9-11

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Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mighty,
All glory and strength and dominion accord;
Ascribe to him glory, and render him honor,
In beauty of holiness worship the Lord.

The voice of Jehovah comes down on the waters;
In thunder the God of the glory draws nigh.
Lo, over the waves of the wide-flowing waters
Jehovah as King is enthroned on high!

The voice of Jehovah is mighty, is mighty;
The voice of Jehovah in majesty speaks:
The voice of Jehovah the cedars is breaking;
Jehovah the cedars of Lebanon breaks.

Each one, in his temple, his glory proclaimeth.
He sat on the flood; he is King on his throne.
Jehovah all strength to his people imparteth;
Jehovah with peace ever blesseth his own.