O God, thou art my God alone;
Early to thee my soul shall cry;
A pilgrim in a land unknown,
A thirsty land whose springs are dry.
O that it were as it hath been!
When, praying in the holy place,
Thy pow'r and glory I have seen,
And marked the footsteps of thy grace.
Yet, through this rough and thorny maze,
I follow hard on thee, my God:
Thy hand, unseen, upholds my ways;
I safely tread where thou hast trod.
Thee, in the watches of the night,
When I remember on my bed,
Thy presence makes the darkness light,
Thy guardian wings are round my head.
Better than life itself thy love,
Dearer than all beside to me:
For whom have I in heav'n above,
Or what on earth, compared to thee?
Praise with my heart, my mind, my voice,
For all thy mercy I will give;
My soul shall still in God rejoice;
My tongue shall bless thee while I live.