Muslim Christian Dialog
PalTalk Debates

Recordings of debates that took place in the PalTalk Room, Muslim Christian Dialog in the category, By Language: Arabic. As the total time of each debate is rather long, the recordings have been broken apart into segments of 30 to 40 minutes to make it easier to download or listen to portions of each debate.

podcast link Podcast users: copy this link to your podcast client and instruct it to download all files (rather than just the most recent ones). As more files are posted here, you can have them automatically downloaded. Tell me more about RSS and Podcasting.

All MP3 files are encoded at 24 Kbps, 22,050 Hz.

Debate #1: Is the Bible the Word of God?

A debate between Chris McCann and Mr. Wesam on 22-October-2005

A playlist to listen to all six parts of the debate in sequence.

# Title Length Size Listen/Download
1 Introduction and rules of the debate 10:44 1.8 Mb  Listen  Download
2 Segment 1 of 4 31:09 5.3 Mb  Listen  Download
3 Segment 2 of 4 30:45 5.3 Mb  Listen  Download
4 Segment 3 of 4 30:44 5.3 Mb  Listen  Download
5 Segment 4 of 4 41:54 7.2 Mb  Listen  Download
6 Questions and Answers 28:26 4.9 Mb  Listen  Download

Debate #2: Is Jesus God?

A debate between Chris McCann and Mr. Wesam on 6-November-2005

Transcript of debate in Acrobat PDF format (295 Kb) Get Adobe Reader

A playlist to listen to all five parts of the debate in sequence.

# Title and Text Link Length Size Listen/Download
1 Segment 1 of 4 32:32 5.6 Mb  Listen  Download
2 Segment 2 of 4 29:17 5.0 Mb  Listen  Download
3 Segment 3 of 4 29:44 5.1 Mb  Listen  Download
4 Segment 4 of 4 41:54 7.2 Mb  Listen  Download
5 Questions and Answers 59:32 10.2 Mb  Listen  Download