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Biblical Dates

To my knowledge, the following timetable of events does not contradict any Scripture, or violate any calendar projections, and all of the pieces fit together perfectly. (like Mr.C’s jigsaw puzzle)

  • Morning of May 22, 33 A.D. Pentecost
  • Morning of May 22, 33 A.D. to Morning of May 21, 1988 = 1955 years exactly, and marks the end of the church age
  • Evening of May 21, 1988 A.D. marks the beginning of the 2300 evening mornings of Daniel 8:14
  • Evening of May 21, 1988 A.D. to Morning of Sept 7, 1994 are 2300 evening mornings (*Note: Tishri 1 began on the evening of Sept 6 and goes to the evening of Sept 7)
  • Sept 7, 1994 The sounding of the Ram's Horn (Jubilee) The Latter Rain begins
  • May 21, 1988 to Sept 7, 1994 = 2300 days (2300 = 23x100)
  • Sept 7, 1994 to May 21 2011 = 6100 days (6100 = 61x100)
  • May 21, 1988 to May 21 2011 = 8400 days (8400 = 84x100)
  • May 21, 2011 to Oct 21, 2011 = 153 days (153 = 3x3x17)
  • Sept 7, 1994 to Oct 21, 2011 = 6253 days (6253 = 13x13x37)
  • May 21, 1988 to Oct 21, 2011 = 8400+153 days (2300 + 13x13x37 = 8400+153)

Question: Mike, where do you get your facts from regarding dates? What source do you use?

Answer: It is very widely accepted that Jesus was crucified in AD 33. There has been some confusion concerning what the calendar date for this was. I know in Mr. Camping's early work he was using Julian dates, that is why at one point we saw a two day shift in his writing as he began to use the Gregorian equivalents. The latest shift from March 31 to April 1 is a further refinement of this date.

One of the difficulties in examining dates, whether we are talking about years or days, is the fact that Jewish/Biblical days span two of our modern calendar days, and that years span two of our calendar years. This has not been as much of an issue with the year dates as very few of the calendar milestones “cross over” into the latter of the two years. One example of this that comes to mind readily is the completion of the O.T. in the book of Esther. The setting of this event was the 12th year of Ahasuerus which began in the year 392 BC. The final events however occurred in the 12th month which takes it into the year 391 BC.

This is a little more difficult to see when we look at day dates; however, there are examples where the context forces to look at the latter half of the Jewish/Biblical day. One example of this is of course the Passover in AD 33. The Passover supper was the evening before the Crucifixion which brings both Gregorian dates into view. There are other examples where the latter half of the day most likely is in view like the baptism of Jesus. The beginning of Tishri 1 in AD 29 was the evening of Sept 25, but was John baptizing in the dark? Probably not, that is why the latter half of the day, Sept 26 is in view. Another event that most likely began the latter half of the day was the laying of the foundation of the Temple in Solomon's day.

The events of the creation week focus our attention on the beginning portion of the day first. (evening and morning) And the last day October 21, 2011 is the first part of the 23rd day of the month Tishri.

The resources I use for biblical events are the calendar of history that God has revealed to Mr. Camping. To further refine the year dates into day dates requires calculating when the Passover will occur in any given year and then overlaying these results onto our modern calendar. The rules for determining when biblical months begin or when the Passover will occur are hidden within scripture. We know that biblical months begin with each new moon. But, does that mean the first crescent of the moon has to be “observed” before the month can begin? There are many who support this idea, but actually scripture supports the idea of a “lack of observation.”

1 Samuel 20:5 And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, to morrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at meat: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.

How did David know the following day would be the new moon? Of course God could have revealed this to him, but more likely it was that there was no moon visible the day David spoke these words. The astronomical clock that God has put into place to govern the passage of time on earth is really amazing. There is one day every month when the moon is not visible, it is on the astronomical event of the new moon. The moon is dark on this day, and this is the day before the first crescent. Knowing this, we can calculate when any new month will begin. It is one day following the astronomical event.

The second hidden truth is when the Passover should be observed. The Jews today use rules of postponement for determining when Tishri 1 can occur. There are certain days of the week they will not allow it to fall on. Once they determine when Tishri 1 is, they then back figure to Nisan for setting when the Passover is. This system allows Passover to occur before the Vernal Equinox at times. I can find no biblical validation for postponing when the new month (moon) begins. That is determined by God's clock. The Passover is a feast associated with the earliest harvest. What event causes the crops to ripen at the same time every year? It is the commencement of spring at the Vernal Equinox. Passover is a spring feast. Celebrating Passover before the Equinox is celebrating it in the winter. That is why I believe that Passover is the first 14 day old moon “after” the Vernal Equinox.

Other sources for biblical dates include the list in Time Has an End for the Persian Kings Cyrus through Artaxerxes II. These dates are very widely accepted, and although not to be trusted the way we trust scripture, many of these Kings are mentioned in the bible which, I think, is God's way of indicating the secular sources can be trusted.

May God continue to open our understanding.
