The End of the Church Age...
and After
The book examines these serious questions:
- Is it true that we are now in the time of the Great Tribulation?
- Is it true that the age of the institutional church has come to an end?
- Is it true that God commands the true believers in Christ as their Saviour to immediately depart from their churches?
- Is it true that God is no longer using churches to evangelize the world?
- Is it true that the task of world evangelization has now been assigned by God to individuals working alone or collectively together in such ministries is Family Radio?
- Is it true that without exception presently all local churches througout the world are under the judgment of God?
- Is it true that God no longer is saving by means of the local church?
- Is it true that Satan is ruling in every local church throughout the world?
- Is it true that the judgment that is now on every local church will transition into the final judgment at the end of the world?
- Is it true that all the way to Christ’s return God will be adding to the eternal church those who truly become saved?
Obtaining This Book
This book is freely available through Family Radio ( ).
- View the entire text on Family Radio’s web site.
- Order from Family Radio’s web site.
- Order over the phone from Family Radio by calling 1–800–543–1495 (USA only) or, +1 510–568–6200
- The Open Forum, a live call-in program for Biblical answers to questions can be heard on Family Radio stations M-F 8:30–10:00 PM ET/5:30–7:00 PM PT. Call 1–800–322–5385 (USA only) to ask your question.